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The Devastation of the FLOOD of August 2016- Staying AFLOAT, along with 16 Wildcats


Mission Impossible-Success, because of your generosity, love, and compassion.


Big purrs to the collaboration between, International Fund for Animal Welfare, the American Humane Association, and all of LBR's friends and family who made it possible for us to be ready for the new rescues of 2017 and beyond, while still providing for our permanent sanctuary zoo retired, pet surrendered, abused and rescued bobcats, Canada Lynx & bob kittens that are part of the LDWF permitted AKP surrogate program and congratulate our 2017 graduates! Big purrs, love and blessings! <3 


Looking back-quotes from the Louisiana flood of August 2016

Greater Good and Denise Bash served as a life preserver in the midst of the flood for bobcats and lynx in dire need, along with two committed caregivers who refused to abandon them to drown in order to save themselves, when others in the area had been forced to evacuate.


I am so thankful to do what I do. made an incredible impact on the lives of many victims of this flood and I am very proud of our efforts! Pamela Kay your organization is doing amazing work! We are very proud to have helped you at The Louisiana Bobcat Refuge.~Denise Bash, Greater Good.


Big purrs to Greater Good, and Denise Bash for reaching out to us in our time of need and orchestrating truly, life saving events for the Louisiana Bobcat Refuge. While we were barely keeping our rescues afloat, and watching everything else drift away with the current or be consumed by unexpected 100 year floodwaters( outside of a flood zone and not caused by a hurricane- completely caught off guard, with thousands of others in Louisiana), Denise became our life preserver. In our desperate time of emergency, she networked us to the International Fund for Animal Welfare for additional assistance and made arrangements to secure a grant from Greater Good for a new intake building from, along with five new dog kennels. LBR would then be able to use donor funds on equipment, food, supplies and finishing the new building, rather than mainly construction costs. The new building will be on piers and in a new area, far above the floodline! This is our informal post, as we had word that the building is soon to arrive, and couldn't contain our excitement! Big informal purrs to Greater Good, International Fund for Animal Welfare and each one of YOU for being our heroes. Stay tuned! ~PK Connery <3


You try to block out the worst moments of any crisis, especially when a living, breathing life is in danger... Some days go by seemingly normal, recovering from the flood as we await LBR's new building and the reconstruction process to move forward. Some moments, something will bring me back to that moment wading through the water in the dark of the early morning hours as fast as I could, with my heart and my mind overwhelmed at what could not be happening. Standing in thigh deep water in a habitat with a pet taxi against a tree trying to coax in a wild bobcat clinging to it for what seemed like an eternity. Just being so thankful and relieved she hadn't drowned in her capsized igloo.. I'd have stood there till daybreak. Pause...Funny..This crazy life of mine. I'd have expected some heartbreaks along the way, but never could have imagined anything of this magnitude... from one habitat to the next and the emotional toil that could take; but the relief in the aftermath that they were all safe. Sigh. Big purrs Jeffrey Eyre, with the American Humane Association, and your amazing pal and German Shepard, Dually, for driving from the Livingston floodwaters, experiencing some frustrated person's road rage and still delivering kennels for us on behalf of Greater Good. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for being there when we needed you♥ PK Connery and The LBR Team

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