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 24/7 Rescue, Rehabilitation and Refuge

At the Louisiana Bobcat Refuge, it takes a full year to rehabilitate a bobcat kitten to an adult ready for release back into the wild. Louisiana Bobcat Refuge is also honored to serve as home to bobcats, Canada lynx and smaller exotic felids who are retired from zoos, pet surrendered or seized as illegal pets or victims of abuse, or injured in ways that prevent them from being returned to the wild, but have adapted to stress free life in captivity. 


Big purrs for supporting the bob kitten rescues who stay with LBR for a year as part of the AKP -Abandoned Bobcat Kitten Surrogate Program. We also appreciate your love and compassion for the LBR permanent sanctuary rescues, as they will live out the remainder of their lives with us and no longer have to be put on public display. However, many of these rescues can live 15-20 years in captivity and that can be a large financial burden when it comes to their nutritional care, habitat maintenance and vet care, especially their dental care. We couldn't do what we do without your love and compassion. There are shelters where domestic animals can go and people can adopt them. Exotic cats can't be taken to domestic shelters, accredited zoos don't accept them and there aren't enough sanctuaries for these unwanted exotic cats to go to.


There are thousands of charities worldwide that help dogs and cats find new homes, some make millions of dollars in donations while much is spent on marketing and administrative salaries, and they enjoy the benefits of countless volunteers. Every life saved is worth it.


However, there are only a handful of places in the US that rehabilitate bobcats and release them back into the wild or provide sanctuary. Exotics that cannot be released back into the wild cannot be adopted out as pets. They become a 15-20 year commitment. That's why there is a shortage of sanctuaries across the United States, huge sanctuary burn out, depression outreach counseling for animal rescuers and why LBR needs your help, today.


We are also completely volunteer based, but because of the sensitivity of our program and limited public exposure of those rescues to only those handlers completely necessary, it severely limits the amount of volunteer help LBR can have at our undisclosed location for the safety and security of the rescues in our care.  Thank you for helping to ensure Louisiana's bobcat is around for future generations to enjoy and that our permanent sanctuary rescues are provided for in a peaceful, natural environment away from public exploitation. Big purrs!




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